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About Us

Scandinavian Selection Ltd has been supplying High Chairs to the hospitality industry for over 35 years!


Scandinavian Selection was the first to introduce the original No Tray High Chair into the UK market over 35 years ago. Created in Sweden (hence the company name Scandinavian Selection) by Swedish architect Stefan Gipp it was the first of its kind in the world and soon became popular with restaurant and catering groups for its tray-less, stackable, space saving features and hard wearing performance. 30 + years later and some of those original chairs are still in use today! The original design has been updated over the years and has since become the template for numerous design copies. 


The Eurobambino High Chair is one such copy offering the same robust construction and design features making it a natural addition to the Scandinavian Selection range of chairs offered to the industry.


We have also extended our range to include Baby Changing Units to provide even more options for family friendly eateries.





Complies fully to
British Safety Standard
BS EN 14988:2006-1 & 2


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